Thursday 20 November 2014

This is the end of the photo show for the symposium 2014

go up and see the 2015 symposium pictures

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Random Portraits

Alejandro Schmitt
Angeles Schmid
Charles Gatt

Gilles Brun

Harald Thaler

Heiner Hofmann

Jean-Pierre Dupont
Kiki Roosma
Kristina Kanaan

Maxs Felinfer
Carmen Garcia Gordillo
Vincenzo Lopardo

Melchor Zapata
Michel Schmid
Patricia Vena
Tobias Krug

Friday 14 November 2014

The Beginning

Vincenzo Lopardo

Tobias Krug

Patricia Vena

Michel Schmid

Melchor Zapata

Maxs Felinfer

Kristina Kanaan

Kiki Roosma

Jean-Pierre Dupont

Heiner Hofmann

Harald Thaler

Gilles Brun

Carmen Garcia Gordillo

Alejandro Schmitt

Charles Gatt

Wednesday 5 November 2014

ART Work is HARD Work

Vincenzo Lopardo
Alejandro Schmitt
Michel Schmid
Jean-Pierre Dupont
Kristina Kanaan
Harald Thaler
Melchor Zapata
Heiner Hofmann
Tobias Krug
Elisa Merino C.
Gilles Brun
Patricia Vena
Maxs Felinfer
Carmen Garcia Gordillo
Charles Gatt
Grieteke Kiki Roosma

The Artbox is being created

Harald Thaler and Charlotte Mancuso are working on the completion of the Artbox. The Artbox contains the art works of the Frequenzen member...